Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 12 Armidale - 12/12/12 Celebration

Seems like coming home

     After a leisurely breakfast, I started thinking about repairing the starter motor for the LC.  A few weeks ago the car started the annoying habit of emitting a lonely click instead of a strong roar when I turned the ignition key.  At first it happened only once or twice before the motor would fire up and we'd be on our way.  But after sitting unused in the basement garage at W&L's it took about a half dozen times before the engine turned over.  I had begun to think we'd be staying another day.  I knew the problem had to be fixed and just hoped we'd make it to Kim's house where I'd have a nice covered space and access to tools.  Stopping on inclines in case we needed some assist from a popped clutch, we did make it without problem.
     In Armidale we stopped at an auto parts store before proceeding to Kim's house so I could find out about replacement part cost and availability.  While I was in the store Diana called Kim to tell her we were in town.  As I left the store I saw Kim walking up to the LC waving excitedly at the person inside.  That person waved timidly back, and Kim thought somehow she'd offended Diana and that was the reason for the reserved response.  Of course she had mistaken Kristy for Diana.  We quickly cleared that up and hugged all around, then she led us back to her house.  Jake was out in one of the sheep paddocks riding motorcycles with one of his mates, but came over and met Kristy and we said our hellos.
     I couldn't chat long as I wanted to remove the starter to make sure that was the problem.  With no more fuss than is normal in car repair, (which mean there were the usual hang ups but none stubborn enough to warrant thrown tools) I had dismantled the starter and confirmed that the solenoid was shot.  I called the car parts store hoping to get a new one in by the next morning ( which is standard in the US), but was told that I had called too late,  5 pm, for the part to be shipped the next day.  Oh well, I'd have to do a quick repair on Thursday to allow us to get a good part of the way to Sidney to pick up Ryan on the following morning.
     All that was on Tuesday.  Wednesday morning I started thinking about it some more, and after a little googling thought it might be a better plan to find an auto electric repairman to just repair the solenoid, as opposed to replacing the whole starter motor.  I called a mechanic in town and he said he'd be able to look at it any time.  I asked Jake if he could run me into Armidale, and within an hour and a half, I had the repaired motor in hand, and we'd saved $120 in the deal.  We returned to the house and I put the starter back in place.  It worked, and we now had one less thing to worry about before getting Ryan.

     Since we had a few hours until dinner Kim took us out to see a big gorge and a very dry falls.
That's a big gorge
O H ... I O
3/7ths of the family together, and more soon on the way
Kissing roos
Those Aussies love their barbies.  Notice that the Joey has jumped
head first into his Mum's pouch
Jake rode out to join us
     Back home the girls put the last touches on 12/12/12 dinner.  Her neighbor Jenny and friend Warren, both of whom we'd met before, as well as Warren's Laura's daughter, joined us for dinner.  It was a fine celebration.
Are you sure you like lamb?

Happy 12 12 12
Kristy and Jake serenade us on their ukuleles 

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